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Conservation in Mexico

Dry forests in Mexico have been under pressure for more than 10,000 of years because they were the location of early human settlements. A crucible for domestication and agricultural development of maize, beans and squashes, these forests were home to early cultures that modified and transformed the dry forest ecosystem.

Different recent threats largely result from human activities such as cattle grazing, farmland (traditional slash and burn farming), production of fuel wood and charcoal, plus climate change, habitat fragmentation, and human population density. All of these facors have brought deforestation, and even complete destruction in different regions.Challanger and Dirzo (2009) have estimated that ca. 26% of dry forests coverage in Mexico remains in a relatively satisfactory condition of forest structure and integrity.  Therefore, much has to be done to conserve these forests, starting with knowing their composition.
Currently, the climate change threat to extreme the aridity and desertification of dry forest and currently, the remnants
of dry forests are still in risk to be fragmented or lost.

Environmental services.
In Mexico, TDF provide wood, firewood and many other non-timber products, and extensive areas are dedicated to cattle grazing. They are the habitat of the wild relatives of several of the main crops in Mexico (corn, beans, squash).

Natural protected areas
Although there are several natural protected areas where TDF is found, dry forest are actually poorly protected. Chamela and Manantlán, both in Jalisco; La Sepultura in Chiapas and Sierra de Huautla in Morelos are Biosphere Reserves where TDF is found, Also National Parks such as Cañon del Sumidero in Chiapas, El Tepozteco in Morelos, Huatulco and Chacahua, both in
Oaxaca, also protect dry forests. Additionally, several other state and regional natural areas contain dry forests.