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Logging truck loaded with logs extracted from the surrounding forest
Dry forests are considered the most threatened tropical forest type globally, based on rates of deforestation and other threats. The Neotropics hold 66.7% of world’s Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests making them most important region in terms of extension (Miles at al. 2006). Because the geographic area of dry forest stands and their overall species diversity is smaller than neighbouring biomes such as rain forests, their conservation has often been neglected.  As an example, few areas of dry forest in inter-Andean valleys in Colombia and Peru have any protection, which reflects lack of appreciation of their international uniqueness, illustrated by their high numbers of endemic species.Another aim of the DRYFLOR network, complementary to the science, is to provide information that may be useful to to the implementation of conservation strategies. Conservation relevant scientific outputs of the DRYFLOR network will include:  
  1. Identification of centres of species diversity and endemism at continental and national scales

  2. Conservation assessments for species will be made using International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria. We aim to cover the species found in our focal Network countries of Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina and Brazil.